24 október 2006

A full weekend.

The weekend was great - I got to spend time with Gábor, my sisters and their husbands.

Friday, we went to get our passport photos taken. I need a new one for my upcoming trips to Disneyland and Mexico! I can't wait. We then went shopping at Costco and watched the movie "Over the Hedge" - a great movie!

Saturday was more shopping and then babysitting Gábor, I love the way he interacts with people and objects and how he notices everything.

Sunday I got to see Gábor at his swimming lesson, he's so cute and does so well. Followed by lunch at a cozy cafe, some window shopping, a visit with our godparents and then zipping down to my other sister's house to watch TAR and a movie.

A full weekend, yet I was still able to finish some requested projects for Gábor. The first is a child-size knitted scarf, we saw them while we were shopping and so of course I had to make one. The second is a duvet cover for a child size duvet that Nancy bought about 2 months ago. My first attempt at making a duvet cover, its very simple, so I will definately be making Gábor some more! Its been so long since I had time to do some crafts, it felt really good to be able to do some this weekend and to actually finish them too.

2 megjegyzés:

Zsuzsa írta...

Very cute. Nice scarf, way-2-go!

Laci írta...

Awesome scarf and great duvet cover! (and of course Gabor is super cute modeling the scarf!)