30 július 2007

Gabor's Sunday Thoughts - So much done and so much yet to do!

We are going where?
To Disneyland?!?!?!?!?

But there is so much stuff to do yet - better make sure we are on track.
Let's see.....
There was Keresztmama's Backyard - good thing we got Uncle George's brother Laz to do the fence. He did a really great job and I was still too small to move the wheelbarrow!
We will have to do the rest of the backyard when we get back
- it has been too hot back there to do all the weeding.
We had to take a break in the shade under her deck,
hmmmm, maybe this would make a good fort under here...

What else is done at Keresztmama's?
We finished both sides of the house and the front garden too!
We had lots of help too! Thanks SO much. She just loves it.

It's a good thing I got a pair of garden gloves from Keresztmama
when she had the family over for a BBQ.

There has been so much! Anya and Apa made sure we worked on our fence too, and we did lots at home too (but Anya has made sure to blog all that on our blogsite). We will still have to stain our fence - but Keresztmama said she will come help with that.
We also went to the Airport to make sure that
Nagymama and Nagypapa were ready for their trip to Europe.

Hey Amadeus! What am I forgetting to do today?

What? Oh yeah. Better go wash my car with Apa.
hmmmm. I wonder if we will have time to build me a sandbox after we stain our fence...
Better go get supplies - in case we do have time.
Well it looks like we are in good shape and its getting late...
better go read Anya and Apa a bedtime story.