04 március 2009

Hair Day!!!

I have had a busy February, but it hasn't been too bad, lots of work and uncertainty about work, a bit of stress, birthdays, and fun days - getting the spring cleaning bug and awakening out of my winter blues and planning for an upcoming mini-vacation (yippeee!)
I know it is early but I can't wait to be in my yard/garden - this week everyday after work I have headed outside (okay - to clean the snow and ice from the sidewalk/driveway) but my mind is already on the things I need to do for my yard and itching to see how my lawn and smaller plants are doing under ALL that snow!

I will post soon about February, but - this past Saturday was Hair Day once again.....

2 megjegyzés:

Nancy (kis mama) írta...

I hear ya about the snow...and the dreaming of working on your garden!

Where are the finished looks - I am curious to see what you guys look like now!

Névtelen írta...

Funny thing we didn't take any pictures of the finished products! ha ha! Z