So, another great weekend, I went over to Sue and George's on Friday and ended up staying until Sunday Night. Friday, we went for a walk down to the main road, and while we were taking photos of some of the wild-flowers, their neighbours stopped and asked if we were looking at the Moose up the way, we just caught a glimpse of it heading into the woods. Well, we know look everywhere! We spent time outside again, soaking up the sun and enjoying the evening sunsets, and feeding Whiskey and Bandit (the neighbour's horses). I also spent a few hours one morning at their window taking photos of the many birds that visit their trees and birdhouses, we have identified all the ones we saw, although I didn't have my camera with me on this visit - I'll have to get the photos from Sue and George.

Sunday, Mom and Dad, Nancy, Robb, Gabor and Aniko all came out to Sue and George's and we spent a lovely afternoon chatting and playing around.

Just as I was leaving, we spotted some deer outside their house - poor Mom she left again before the deer came out and missed seeing them again.

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