On the 24th Nancy, Robb and Gábor joined me downtown looking at different art galleries, I'm looking for a piece for my dining room wall. I found a few pieces I liked way out of my budget and some that were in my budget too. I had a really good time, Gábor enjoyed looking at the paintings and everyone loved the way he enjoyed looking at the different pieces - again he was a hit! I stayed for dinner at Nancy and Robb's and helped give Gábor his evening bath - he so loves his baths and splashing around.
Had Friday coffee and lunch at my house on the 16th, I had a really good time with my parents, my sisters and Gábor kept us all entertained.

I finally was able to put the top coat on the stool I made for Gábor for Christmas (really late - I know). I am happy with the way it turned out though.
2 megjegyzés:
very nice photos Elsie, lots of fun to look at
oh yeah, I remember how much fun the art galleries were. MMMM and the lunch.
Gabor loves to sit on that stool, he turns around way in front of it and then backs up until it touches his legs and then sits down.
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