25 április 2006

Now to return to normal life.

Alright. The weekend went well, I had a lot of things planned, one of which was going to a hungarian embroidery class with some friends. I had a good time and I promised myself that this would be one embroidery piece I completed. So here it is. It might not be perfect, but this time I finished a piece!!! Now I can return to normal life.

And I couldn't help but put a picture of Gábor in his magyar vest I asked Zsuzsi & Attila to get for him.

2 megjegyzés:

Nancy (kis mama) írta...

Dad was right - you are very talented and when you put your mind to it you can do anything! Good job - and wow what a cute little boy! :)

Laci írta...

Great job!! You finished it! It turned out awesome!!! The edging on your turned out fantastic! I can't get mine to look right but then again, I haven't touched it since the class...

Cute picture of Gabor, and the vest on him is perfect!