It has been a busy few weeks, with birthday dinners/get-togethers for a good friend, my brother-in-law, my mom, and my nephew (who has turned ONE!). A few nights of crafting, celebrating my other brother-in-law’s convocation, a wrap-up meeting with the Festival Committee, dinner with the Festival Committee members, Halloween goody giving, organizing my magyar szoba, and of course Survivor Nights and TAR Nights. I've been having a great time!
Last night we had a Craft Night at my place, we all worked on different projects, it was so nice to have everyone over and to relax and do some crafts. I painted a cute little wooden shovel for my front doorway; I’ll add some greenery, ribbons and embellishments to it after I put on a topcoat. (If the others don’t post on their blogs then I’ll add pictures of their crafts as well). When Zsuzsi, Julie and Kati left I couldn’t put it away so I finished the painting portion of the shovel.
Pic 1 – raw wood
Pic 2 – painting in progress
Pic 3 – progress when they left
Pic 4 – painting completed

Below is the penguin push-toy I made from scratch for Gábor for his first birthday. It’s based on one I found on the web. Gábor had a great birthday party (see Nancy and Robb’s blog for pictures) and Gábor was absolutely adorable (as usual). I can’t believe it has already been a year.

On November 3rd, Julie, Zsuzsi and I went to UB the Artist to paint ceramics; I did a small striped Christmas tree ornament and a tray. I got them last night and I’m happy with the way they turned out (they are not perfect, but I like them).